Monday, July 21, 2014

Week #27 We are not alone

Hola family and Friends!

This week I noticed a theme among my investigators that was a bit discouraging. Everyone seemed to be struggling with the same problem, loneliness. It doesnt matter who you are or what your circumstances we all feel loneliness at some point in our lives. Hermana V felt lonely because her kids don't call her to just talk. Hermana K,  doesnt feel accepted in church  so she feels lonley. Hermano J just came out of a coma. He can't move and can't talk, obviously he feels lonely. I had the opportunity to share my testimony about feeling alone with each of these individuals this week and I want to share it on my blog as well.
Lonliness is the opposite of how our heavenly father want us to feel. He has given us friends, family husbands, wives, and  children so that we can feel accepted and loved. His whole plan of Salvation is for each of us come to the Earth and find JOY, true joy through the relationships we form with others. Although we can't see him,God is not far away from us. Acts 17.27 8 explains that God wants us to seek him. If we seek, he is always there to hear our prayers and to help  us find joy. If anyone feels like God is far away and not willing to help them they are being tricked by the Devil. God is here, and he is listening, we are never alone. In Alma chapter 33 of the Book of Mormon, verses 1 to 11 Alma reminds the people of the words of the prophet Zenos. He explains that God is a merciful God and will hear us. ¨Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them." We are never alone. EVER. When were are feeling pain, sorrow, lonliness, far from God, far from everyone, this is a tool of the adversary. Satan wants us to feel lonely because it gives him power over us and keeps us from looking up. I pray to you all please dont let Satan trick you, dont give him the opportunity to come into your lives. Alma 24.39 says ¨Yea, and I exhort you, my bretheren that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be lead away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not over power you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last dayñ for behold he rewardeth you NO GOOD THING." ¨If your feeling that God is far from you I invite you to follow the advice of Alma and pray. Pray with all your heart. Follow the example of Enos "änd my soul hungeredñ and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer."¨ 

I bear testimony that God listen and answers our prayers. We prayed with Hermana V this week that her family would have more unity, that she would not feel alone, and that her children would call her. That SAME day her daughter called for no reason, just to get caught up and talk with her mom. How amazing is the power of prayer? How amazing is God to answer our prayers? I know that he is my Heavenly Father. And just like any other father he wants the best for all of his children. We are never alone. God is close and he is listening we just have to build up the faith and courage to kneel down and ask. 
Love you all
See you Next Summer
Hermana Huish

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